Tennessee Toddles is a licensed Drop-in Daycare servicing ages 6 months to 17 years. We also rent our indoor playground facility to individuals wanting to host birthday parties and other private events.
Our facility is designed to maximize fun in a safe and clean environment. Our drop-in services are for parents in any non-work situation who may need an hour or several hours of care.
For your child's safety and to comply with State regulations, the following forms must be completed prior to admittance into our Drop-in facility:
1. Application Form
2. Immunization Form (filled out by doctor or health dept.)
3. Child Care Food Program Form & Addendum
4. Payment/Policy Agreement & Emergency Evacuation Form
5. Consortium Consent Form
6. Influenza Notification
It is necessary that all records be kept current. Please notify the office immediately of any changes in address, telephone number or other pertinent information.
Once a year $10 registration fee per family. This updates our information annually per Department of Human Services Regulation.
$12 per hour for the first non-infant child, $8 per additional non-infant sibling per hour. All payment will be collected at time of check-out.
$17 per hour for infants (Infants are defined as children 18 months and younger).
Please be prepared to show ID during the drop-off and pick-up of your child. Keep in mind that only those adults identified ahead of time will be allowed to drop-off and pick-up your child in the case that you were not able to.
The center is open 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 12:00pm – 8:00pm Sundays. Under a provisional drop-in state, the State of Tennessee requires that your child stay no more than 3 hours per visit Monday-Friday and no more than 6 hours per visit Saturday and Sundays, and during all school breaks.
We encourage parents to pack everything their child needs for the visit, but we do offer a variety of snacks/meals available for purchase.
Please keep in mind that we do acknowledge the following holidays and will be closed for them:
New Year’s Day
4th of July
Thanksgiving Day
Labor Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
In addition to the holidays listed above, our center closes for private events, please make sure to follow us on social media and check our webpage for closure updates. Our center may close during inclement weather if needed. Our goal is to notify parents as quickly as possible, using social media and our webpage. In the event that the center must close mid-day, parents will be directly contacted by the administrative staff.
Parents are required to pick up children by 9:00 p.m. every day. Late pickups (for whatever reason) will result in the following penalty: one dollar for every minute past 9:00p.m as well as a mandatory report that goes directly to the Tennessee Department of Human Services. There is an atomic clock in the office, which will serve as the official timekeeper. Parents are expected to be inside the building to pick up their child(ren) prior to closing time, daily.
Your child will be sent home if he/she appears to have symptoms of illness during the day which endanger his/her on health or the health of other children. Please keep your child at home if he/she has a fever or develops symptoms of illness that may endanger the health of the other children. If your child is sent home with a fever of 100.6F or higher he may not return to care until he has been fever free for 24 hours with no medication. Please keep your child at home if he is diagnosed as having any contagious illness.
Children enrolled at our center must be immunized in accordance with state laws.
The center is will not administer any medications, prescription or otherwise to a child.
Naptime Safety: The State of TN mandates that we keep cribs free from all toys, blankets and mobiles. Pacifiers which have soft attachments such as pacifier clips or small animals attached are not permitted.
Tobacco and Drug Policy: In order to ensure a healthy environment for all children, Tennessee Toddles shall be tobacco and drug free at all times.
Despite our best efforts, accidents may happen at the center, and sometimes injuries may result. Our CPR certified and emergency situation trained staff will respond promptly according to the nature of the injury. Minor injuries, such as normal scrapes and bumps, will be brought to your attention when you pick up your child. You will be advised through an accident report of all known injuries your child may incur while attending the center. These reports will be kept in your child’s file in the office. A copy will be provided for you.
You will be notified immediately in the event of a serious accident or head injury and shall be expected to assume direct responsibility for your child as quickly as possible.
If you cannot be reached, we will contact the person authorized to act in an emergency.
If no one can be reached, the center will utilize the release form on the application.
Discipline Policy: When children exhibit less than desirable conduct, our teachers will redirect them. If redirection is not effective, a time-out may be implemented (no longer than one minute per year of age, and not for children less than 3 years of age). Our policy is never to use discipline that is shameful, humiliating, frightening, or related to rest, food or toileting. Please do not ask our staff to spank or threaten your child. Our teachers will use every possible option for safe, appropriate discipline, as we desire to see all of the children succeed. If a child has repeated bouts of misconduct, a suspension may be required. In the event of a suspension or removed from the program parents will be notified in writing.
Our center’s criteria for suspension/disenrollment is as follows:
Misconduct by child: While we understand that each child enrolled in our
program has individual needs; we must also acknowledge that there are many children and that all children deserve to be able to play in an environment that is safe. In order to keep all children safe, our expectations are as follows:
Children are expected to keep their hands and feet to themselves as is reasonable for their age group and level of development. We recognize that younger children may hit their peers and our teachers work with children to help them develop safer, more acceptable ways of expressing feelings of frustration or anger. Parents of children who exhibit physical behaviors that fall outside of what is typical for their age range or level of development will receive a written notice. At the Executive Director’s discretion, children who hit or kick repeatedly to the point where their behavior is dangerous may be suspended or removed from the program.
Children will not be permitted to throw chairs or other large objects that may be harmful to others, spit on others, or pitch tantrums that become physically dangerous to others. Parents of children who exhibit throwing or tantrum-style behaviors that fall outside of what is typical for their age range or level of development will receive a written notice. At the Executive Director’s discretion, children who repeatedly engage in unsafe behavior may be suspended or removed from the program.
Children are expected to remain with their group as is reasonable for their age group and level of development. It is not possible for our staff to keep children safe if they cannot supervise them; therefore, children are expected to move with their group to and from the multipurpose room. Our staff are extremely cautious when moving from one part of the building to another, accounting for each child in their care. Parents of children who refuse to remain with their group or exhibit running behaviors that fall outside of what is typical for their age range or level of development will receive a written notice. At the Executive Director’s discretion, children who repeatedly run away from their group may be suspended or removed from the program.
Misconduct by parent: Parents who have concerns or questions about the program at Tennessee Toddles should speak with the Executive Director. While we recognize each parent’s need to express their feelings, and while we have the utmost respect for parents’ rights, we ask that parents do not curse or yell at our staff or in our facility. Parents who behave in a way that is threatening or harmful toward our staff, toward other parents, or toward children in the program will not be permitted to return to our building and their child(ren) will be removed from the program.
Our primary goal is the safety and well-being of all children in our program, including the ones who are biting, and we must ensure that our program works for all of our families. The following protocol will be followed for all biters:
*First of Three Incidents—Child will be placed in sit-and-watch (for no more than one minute per year of age, as is consistent with our licensing guidelines and best practice) and told “NO—Biting hurts, we do not bite.” (We know that biting is a typical (temporary) behavior and some children will bite more than once and may need the reinforcement of consistent and age-appropriate discipline to stop biting).
**Second of Three Incidents—Child will be placed in sit-and-watch (for no more than one minute per year of age, as is consistent with our licensing guidelines and best practice) and told “NO—Biting hurts, we do not bite.” The parent(s) will be contacted by phone immediately and may be asked to pick their child up from care or be asked to sit with their child in the classroom to help halt the biting behavior.
***If two additional incidents are noted, the Center may take measures as determined necessary at the discretion of the Executive Director; these measures may include temporarily suspending the child from the program or asking the parent(s) to permanently remove the child from the program.
If you have a child who is biting at home, please let us know so that we can be on the lookout, and please let us know if you have any suggestions for how to best address this behavior with your child so that we can help maintain consistency with the way you address the issue at home to the best of our ability (and within our licensing guidelines). Finally, if your child is continuously biting others, please help us to address and improve that issue at home, while we do the same at school, so that we never have to ask your child to leave our program. We love all our Tennessee Toddles children and do not want to see any of them go. Tennessee Toddles seeks to serve children to the best of our ability and we in no way want to cause challenges for our parents, but we must work together with parents to resolve issues that affect all our children, and ultimately, we must make decisions that are in the best interest of the Center as a whole and of each family enrolled.
Simple clothing that is comfortable and washable is recommended to facilitate your child’s participation in all the Center’s activities. Also, easy removal for restroom use should be kept in mind when dressing your child.
The center participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and a CACFP application must be filled out for each child. This application allows the center to obtain reimbursement for our food cost. New applications are required annually.
As part of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, we are required to serve certain components and certain amounts at each meal. We carefully maintain these specific requirements as set out by the CACFP. Copies of the exact requirements are available in the office, and weekly menus are posted on the calendar which can be found on the parent portal.
Our kitchen accommodates children who have allergies. However, we are required by both the State of TN and the CACFP to have a doctor’s note on file in order to substitute food or drink, AND in order to accommodate parent preferences. Children with life-threatening food allergies must have a written plan of action endorsed by a physician.
We also welcome parents who are breast feeding to supply breast milk.
Tennessee Toddles is a nut free facility.
No outside food and drinks will be allowed.
We hope that all of our families are satisfied with the care and education that their children receive at our center. However, we realize that there may be times when parents have concerns and we encourage parents to bring concerns to the attention of administrated staff. In the event that a family has a complaint which cannot be resolved with their administrator, the following steps should be taken:
Please submit a written complaint to the Director. Complaints may also be emailed to director@tntoddles.com. You will receive a response within five business days.
If you are dissatisfied with the response, you may then request a hearing before the Board of Directors by contacting the Chairman of the Board. The center will give you the necessary information to do this. The Board of Directors or their representative will meet with you within thirty days of receipt of your notice to the Chairman and will take action on the matter within ten days.
The Tennessee Department of Human Services has the responsibility for investigation of child abuse reports. State law mandates that all persons – whether parents, childcare personnel, or others – have a legal responsibility to report suspected child abuse.
Suspected child abuse is to be reported directly to the State of Tennessee Child Abuse Hotline (DHS) or to law enforcement. DHS will conduct an investigation in cooperation with local law enforcement authorities and the district attorney to determine the validity of the report and a decision regarding further action.
In the initial stage of an investigation, the law allows DHS counselors to talk with children without prior parental permission (when it is believed to be necessary) and without childcare (or school) personnel or parents present (when that procedure is necessary).
At the appropriate time, or if childcare personnel are suspected perpetrators of abuse, parents will be consulted. The child’s best interest is the first consideration. Questions or concerns about this procedure should be addressed to the local Department of Human Services.
To report child abuse or neglect call:
1-877-54-ABUSE (22873)
As a conclusion, we would like to thank you for entrusting Tennessee Toddles Drop-in Daycare with your child/ren. We always strive to have a great time and let the kids just be kids when with us!
As parent or legal guardian of the child whose name is set forth below (who is referred to herein as the "Participant") and in consideration of the Participant being permitted to participate in the Activities (as defined below) conducted by TENNESSEE TODDLES ("TN TODDLES"), the Participant and I agree as follows: I ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE that the use of the TENNESSEE TODDLES facility and equipment has inherent risks. I am the legal guardian or assigned caretaker of the below listed minor on behalf of myself and said listed minor, knowingly and freely assume all such risk, both known and unknown, including those that may arise out of the negligence of other participants. I agree that I shall comply with all, posted safety signs, rules, and verbal instructions as conditions for participation in activities at TENNESSEE TODDLES. If I observe any hazard during my participation, I will bring it to the attention of the nearest TENNESSEE TODDLES employee. On behalf of myself, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, and assigns, I, ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND AS LEGAL GUARDIAN OR ASSIGNED CARETAKER OF A MINOR CHILD (LISTED BELOW) HEREBY DO RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLDHARMLESS TENNESSEE TODDLES, its officers, agents, independent contractors, insurance companies, landlords, instructors and employees from any cause of action, claims, or demands of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to, a claim of negligence, which my minor child or I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, and assigns may now have, or have in the future against TENNESSEE TODDLES, on account of personal injury, property damage, death, or accident of any kind, arising out of or in any way related to my use of the TENNESSEE TODDLES facility and equipment, including but not limited to the TENNESSEE TODDLES play space, outdoor play areas, gym space, general parking lot, land area, and cafe area, whether that use is supervised or unsupervised, however the injury or damage is caused, including, but not limited to the negligence of TENNESSEE TODDLES, its officers agents, independent contractors, instructors, insurance companies, landlords, instructors and employees. I ACKNOWLEDGE that TENNESSEE TODDLES is a NUT FREE facility and must remain that way. I ACKNOWLEDGE that at any time a TENNESSEE TODDLES employee may ask any parent whose children are causing safety issues to leave the facility and that parent will not receive a refund of any kind regardless of their duration of time at TENNESSEE TODDLES. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES SO EVERYONE CAN HAVE A SAFE & FUN TIME!
We are shoe free environment.
Kids: Must wear clean non-slippery socks.
Parents/Guardians: Must wear clean non-slippery socks.
Tennessee Toddles is designed with safety and security as our top priority. All of our large play exhibits and our toys comply with all the safety standards and building codes.
Tennessee Toddles will not be responsible or be held liable for any injuries resulting from rough play, poor behavior or inappropriate use of toys and bounce houses.
We are not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of your personal belongings. Do not leave your valuables, electronics, or purses/wallets unattended.
No outside food and drinks are allowed. We have quality snacks and beverages that may be purchased at our front desk. Food and drinks must be consumed only at the tables. No food or drinks are allowed in the play area.
Diaper changing tables and disposal bins are located in the restrooms. Please do not change a diaper outside of the restrooms, or do not dispose a dirty diaper anywhere except in the restroom bins.
Parent or caregiver must stay on-premises at all times if they are not using the drop-in service. While we help to make sure your child/children are having fun so you can too, you are still fully responsible for your child.
We do not allow "walk-in parties". No unreserved parties or other celebrations are allowed in our facility including cake, candles, gifts, balloons, or goody bags.
By submitting your information below, you are agreeing and accepting all terms and conditions listed above.